brave: a manifesto

photo of an airplane wing

Brave. Not a long word, but a big one. A big, scary word, that implies reaching for important things and taking serious risks. But it’s a big, scary world, too. And that world needs us to be brave enough to change it. To speak truth to power, to find work with meaning. To take chances instead of settling for a damaged status quo. We can’t face our global problems if we’re too scared to look right at them.

It’s not easy to be brave, but it’s worth it. I am slowly finding my way to brave. Brave enough to parent, brave enough to be an aid worker. Brave enough, even, to start coaching other people who need to find their own brave. If you’re interested in coaching, let me know. I’ll send you a rate sheet, we can talk about options. Because it’s time for all of us to be brave.
