Women in Global Health, Alanna in Washington, DC + a link

Grpahic that says "Women's Leadership is Critical al all levels in health to reach universal health coverage"

This is a really good article on how to be happy at work.

I am going to be in DC for the month of June. Since I work remotely, I’ll be in my sister-in-law’s basement, spending quality time with my nephews and writing a quarterly report. (Yes, I could stay in a hotel, but then I couldn’t play with the little boys while my sister-in-law and her husband get ready for work. As an expat, if I want real family relationships, I have to invest. Sometimes that means an air mattress in Northern Virginia.)

If you’re DC-based and would like in-person coaching email me at alanna@needsbrave.com and we’ll set it up. I can offer a 25% discount off my normal coaching rates because coaching in person is a slightly different skill set that coaching by skype and I want to keep my skills sharp.

Finally, I am excited to announce I’ll be taking on a role with Women in Global Health! I’m going to be helping develop mentorship and community engagement. For a long time, I didn’t engage on women’s leadership issues. I felt like women and children die stupid, preventable deaths all over the world every day. I always thought, when women stop dying in childbirth for no good reason, then I’ll care about the glass ceiling. I felt like I should be fighting for the poorest people in the world, not for women with graduate degrees.

I have begun to believe, though, that I had that backward. Women die stupid preventable deaths on the regular because of the lack of senior female leadership. If you want to end the patriarchy, you can’t do it just from the bottom. You’ve got to be pushing on every level. So I joined up with Women In Global Health and I’m going to do a new kind of pushing.
